CAMP weekend reading - Issue No 5
Here is the fifth issue of our CAMP Weekend Reading, a list of interesting articles focusing on camping, the outdoors and motorcycles that we stumbled upon over the past couple of weeks. Enjoy. Do you have any suggestion for articles to include in the next weekend reading list? Drop us an email.
How to score the perfect night of sleep while camping - Some of us sleep better while camping than at home. Some of us cannot get a decent night of sleep while camping. Here are some interesting tips on how to sleep better (spoiler alert: no more s’mores!).
The Alaskan couple who chose to die over the idea of living apart - The story of Eric and Pam Bealer, a married couple living in Alaska, who decided to disappear together, leaving very precise instructions on what to do with their belongings. Fascinating.
Planning a canoe trip in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area - CAMP Long S'more to Voyageurs and Isle Royale National Parks on July 30-August 6 will take us camping right in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. This is an interesting read on what to expect, if you decide to go canoeing in that area and camp by the water. Join us until there are places available!
Who said that spirituality and motorcycles don’t go hand in hand? - Indian mystic Sadhguru begs to differ, while he is on a 100-day motorbike mission to save soil.