For our Second S’more of 2022 we will head to Wyalusing State Park, in Wisconsin on June 24-27.
This is our favorite park in Wisconsin. Located right on the Mississippi river, in the middle of the Driftless Area, at the border between Wisconsin and Iowa, it offers beautiful riding and many off the bike activities (hiking, canoeing, kayaking).
As usual, we will offer guided rides on Saturday and Sunday. And as usual, there is no obligation for you to join these rides: you can do your own thing, and meet us back at CAMP.
There will be a welcome dinner on Friday night for all participants who wish to join us. You can either get to the destination by yourself, or you can ride with other participants. We will be sharing an "info pack" on this S'more to all participants, as we get closer to the date.
You only pay for your campsite and for dinner on Friday (if you want it):
$25: camping spot for the three nights in total (not per night - this is TOTAL)
$10 per dinner on Friday (including drinks)
The $25 pay for your camping spot in a campground with up to four people (you included). Please note that the cost is PER CAMPer, not per tent. If two CAMPers share a tent, you need to buy two spots. Please note the price is the same whether you stay two or three nights, and it is the same whether you tent-camp or hammock-camp.
If you want to share a campsite with specific people, we recommend you buy 4 tickets, and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
This S’more is capped at 24 people max (4 per site).