Join us for a presentation about Motocamping 101 at the Moto Camp Nerd store, in Archdale, NC.
CAMP’s founder and motocamping expert Michele will go through the basics and not so basics of motocamping: from how to pack your bike, to the list of things to bring and avoid, from how to find places where to motocamp to reviewing some of the best gear available. We will talk hammocks, tents, cooking setups and anything in between.
Since we will be at the Moto CAMP Nerd store, we will have lots of gear for you to look at, and two different set ups to take inspiration from (a motorcycle with soft bags, a motorcycle with hard cases).
The event is open to both CAMP members and non members, and it is completely free. However, we ask you to please register by “buying” a spot here on this website - space is limited, and only 25 spots are available, first come first serve.