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Join us for our very first TSD Rally. What is a TSD Rally? TSD stands for “time-speed-distance.” TSD rally is a precision-based competition where a driver (or in our case a motorcyclist) must stay on a specific route over many miles and go through checkpoints at specific times. It is not about going as fast as you can, it’s about arriving to a precise location as accurately as possible and within a specific time. If you go too fast or too slow you are penalised equally. This event will be held on public roads, in the Drifltess area. More information will be realeased in January 2025, when you will also be able to sign up.

In the meantime, a few key things:

  • This event is NOT a race - it will be held on public roads, and it doesn’t require speeding. If anything, speeding is guaranteed to make you lose.

  • This event is open to any motorcycle, as long as it is street legal. Scooters are also welcome.

  • This event will be held on PAVED roads.

  • This event will take place on Sunday May 11, 2025. No overnight travels are required, if you live in the Midwest, but you will have the option to stay at a nearby hotel if you prefer.

  • The Rally will last around 3 hours, and it will be followed by a lunch.

How A TSD Rally Works
The rally organizers, sometimes called rally masters, create a route then pre-run it keeping track of mileage. They determine where checkpoints are, and how long it should take (and the distance) between them. This route, as run by the rally master, is the car-zero time (CZT). This is the official time, speed, and distance for the rally. The whole event is based on this.

Entrants will be given a route book with instructions that are followed chronologically. Alongside this will be odometer readings and designated speeds. The instructions provide a variety of information from where to turn, signs to observe, and hazards to avoid.

All info from here.

May 7

CAMP MAY Monthly Meeting

May 22

2025 CAMP Wisconsin Adventure Ride